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How To Trick Your Waste

View 144 Jan 04, 2022 Article Media TAGS: rebricks indonesia

It seems that the various solutions that we are currently doing are still far behind the problems that are constantly getting worse. Actually, where is the root of the problem? Can we make a change?

The Waste Sure You Produce At Home

Photo 1. Plastics Crumbs/ Aviaska

If someone asks you the essence of the complicated and destructive waste problem, it might be true that it comes from our respective homes. Without exception, all homes and humans on this earth produce waste. From the simplest to the most complex activities. Therefore, what kind of waste do we produce? Is it just organic and inorganic waste? Of course not! So far we only know that these two types of waste are the ones we produce at home. But actually, we produce 3 types of waste: organic; inorganic; and B3 (Toxic Hazardous Materials).

Wow! Starting from the food you eat, plastic packaging of items in your home, even electronic materials from your former cell phones. Those all end up in one trash can, right? Or have you sorted it out? Better yet, have you recycled it?


From Your Home Your Waste Wanders

Most of us still just throw our waste in the trash. This is evident of the low percentage of recycled waste in Indonesia which only reaches around 11%. So, where does our waste end up? Our waste journey begins when it ends up in the trash. Then the waste officer transports it to any waste-collecting center. Afterward, our trash also ends up on the ground, rivers, and even the ocean, which are very far from our homes. So how do you prevent waste end up where it shouldn't?


Trick Waste into Compost

Photo 2. Windrow Compost/ Aviaska

One simple step you can take is to trick organic waste into compost. There are a lot of composting methods used to process organic waste into plant fertilizer. From the easiest to the more complex mostly done on an industrial scale. For you who want to process organic waste at home, use the simplest method! You just need to provide composting materials such as organic waste, EM4 liquid, water, soil, husk charcoal, lime. Don't forget to prepare the tools such as a bucket for the compost container and gloves for stirring the compost. After that, mix the ingredients evenly. Make sure the container is tightly closed and out of sunlight exposure. Easy isn't it?

EcoRanger also makes compost from the organic waste collected at the Waste Management Center (SEKOLA) in Banyuwangi. The waste was collected from 250 SEKOLA clients. Together with and Solgaard, EcoRanger is trying a new composting method to increase the quantity and quality of SEKOLA compost production. The method used is Windrow Composting. This method was chosen since it can be applied to various organic waste, has a large loading capacity, and the quality of the compost produced is much better. The application of this composting method is different because the composting material will be an elongated mound, therefore, it can be aerated naturally. In September 2021, EcoRanger has managed to process 57 tons of organic waste into 2770.9 kg of compost.



Trick Waste into EcoBrick

Photo 3. Ecobricks/ Aviaska

This is creative, now there are a lot of industries that process inorganic waste into bricks or popularly called eco-bricks. Ecobricks are the answer to plastic waste recycling solutions. The plastic we throw away now can be used as raw material for building houses and other infrastructures. However, this innovation is now still limited to being carried out only on an industrial scale.

EcoRanger together with and Solgaard will certainly take the opportunity to recycle waste. Therefore, we also support the processing of inorganic waste into Hollow Blocks (Brick with hole) carried out by Rebricks by providing machinery and infrastructure. This hollow block is made of a mixture of bricks and shredded plastic waste. Hollow blocks have a different shape from usual bricks. It has holes in the middle of it. Even though it has holes, it has a lot of excellence than ordinary bricks. The hollow block is more durable, lighter, and are easy to install. Of course, this is a plus point because it can accelerate the development process. The hollow block produced by Rebricks is standardized by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). So far, this collaborative action has succeeded in producing 600 hollow blocks per day. In the future, we target to produce 1000 hollow blocks per day and recycle 1,000,000 plastic waste.

The current waste problem is getting worse. But one thing is certain, various innovations and solutions to overcome this problem must continue to be initiated and supported consistently so that slowly we can accelerate the pace of environmental damage due to waste.



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